In every human being there are the opinions and certain things are believed of who he is and how he is. Overall opinions and the things that he believed it was a picture / image of the person about him or said also as identity.
Philosophers in ancient Greece had a saying: "Know yourself". Was not as easy to explain what is meant by identity briefly. Erickson himself had difficulty to define identity; fact that its formulation is a statement; Who I am, What I am, and where I am.
Some sense of identity can be expressed as follows:1. Identity can be interpreted as a personal core that remains, despite environmental changes.
2. Identity can be defined as a particular way of life that has been formed in earlier periods and determine which social roles that must be executed.
3. Identity is a result obtained in adolescence, but still will experience and renewal.
Formation begins far backward, namely when the introduction of the first self baby smile for the exchange of the first time sort of self-related to realization of to know each other.
In face-to-face relationships with other people, we are doing something for others and others it gave a speech on what we are doing.
In connection with the other person, we can learn many things about ourselves, and thus the things we believe about ourselves, mostly reflecting back from the view of other people's views about ourselves.
As for the things we believe about ourselves that are not the result of our interaction in face-to-face relationships, but is the result of comparisons that we make between ourselves and others. In this way we are nurtured in a variety of opinions about ourselves that are not tested with the returns of other people.
Human development can be considered as a result of trade-offs between individual maturation process and the influences of the environment.
To determine the extent to which environmental factors play a role is not easy.
Is A mistress better at organizing than the mistress B. We can not measure it with a weight or physical size, it actually depends on the determination of a consensus among the people around the second and last mistress measures or norms adopted and adhered to in the environment. Many of the things we believe about ourselves belonging to the social factors as above. It should be verifiable and confirmed by the opinions of those around us, among others, are: "the opinions about yourself, about who and what we are"
Opinions about ourselves.
Image or picture of a person will be able to affirmation, when the speeches of others against him shows that other people's opinions about what and who he is matched with his own opinion. In circumstances where the environment is continuously giving emphasis on various aspects of the self, it will form a strong identity of self and steady. In such circumstances the person will feel no longer so need to find new assertions for himself and he is also not so feel the need to protect themselves from stimuli that would be threatening picture of himself.He will feel more free to react spontaneously to his situation, he can present yourself as such. When the position itself is so strong, the individual concerned will also dare to listen to the payoff of who and what he is, and so he had the opportunity to continually test the correctness of the opinion-pendapanya about him.
When the affirmation of other people do not get, there will be a vague notion and doubts about yourself.
In a heterogeneous society (made up of diverse elements), it is not going to be easy to follow just the opinion of others, because of the opinions that there will also be diverse in nature. However, our efforts to obtain the support of the environment for our views also shows how dependent we are on the suitability of the environment with the opinion of our opinions.
To obtain confirmation of the views and opinions, often someone easily have thought about himself: he will prevail defensive and not be willing to test opinion on him.
Expand or develop self-identity.
Realization of yourself.
Realization means making real, realize, giving form. Realization himself regarding his awareness of himself as at present, with the expansion of self forwarded in accordance with the latent potentialities contained in the self. Doubts about the value of self-will cause the press and curb and hide certain parts of the self, and act as careful as if , in ways so that people deceive themselves and deceive others.
Realization themselves with selfless:
"The key towards selflessness is the negation of self in the sense of selflessness, we will only find ourselves by forgetting ourselves".People who are able to be selfless sure its worth as an individual. He has received his attitude so that he does not need to hide, or pretended to be cautious force. He can give a response / reaction openly, spontaneously and without contrived to situations or new people. This unselfish also implies the ability to observe yourself objectively.
One's first impulse, when you get a payoff kencaman of the environment, is to defend themselves, to defend themselves and to pay attention to self-interest. In that case of course difficult, if not virtually impossible to respond objectively returns and use it constructively.
Facilitate relationships.
Unselfish and self realization may occur in accordance with the value of one's feelings about himself in a relationships with others.In such a relationship each of those interrelate to each other felt that they received, that they have made a positive decision about the value itself.
They feel each other that each of them has been accepted and others have received as such; overview for each of the partners will not be excessive.
Each one of them has the expectation and the other allegations, there is also the assumption that would not otherwise be apparent that each would not intentionally hurt others, a quality that is often called a relationship of trust to trust.
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