Sunday, August 25, 2013

Knowledge as a commodity.

Knowledge as a commodity.

 Assess the concept of operations and marketing.

 • How can we create and maintain business relationships that we want?

• The areas of marketing which we have not explored, and how we can formulate the main points of a typical sales?

• How should we put ourselves in a form that our customers choose?

New keys for business development and marketing will continue.

• What knowledge is your business?

      Contemplate your business knowledge collection and ask yourself the important question:

• Are we using all the knowledge just to produce services, or offer for improving the knowledge we create value for clients?

If knowledge is the your "product" , know your business idea with the phrase: Goals that we have for clients is to improve competitiveness through: Development; Repair; Problem solving.

This can be achieved through the transfer of knowledge between you and the client, if the knowledge is your business, it means you are not marketing the services are packaged and ready to use, but you have to use your knowledge and experience to help clients to identify and formulate and then suggest solutions-solution.

You work through close interaction with clients, engage, collaborate with them on projects rather than running the operations, implement and adapt your knowledge to the needs and specific issues as diverse clients.

Results of your work may not be visible in the short term but it will take many months or years before you and your counsel clients implement and measure the results, it would have to be viewed by clients as an investment rather than a cost / fees.

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